Qualitizer Process

Focus on the Process

of what it takes to be

Outstanding and start

 climbing the ladder

The Qualitizer Process™, developed by Lesley Shaw, is a structured system  designed to be implemented over 12 weeks to take your care home forward from Inadequate and Requires Improvement.

This comprehensive 12 week programmes is designed to support the Registered Manager to embed quality processes across all aspects of the care home business.

It is based around the 12 key components of successful quality improvement for care homes

There are 12 on-line modules broken down into lessons with workbooks and tools designed to be completed at a time that is convenient for you.

In addition to the 12 modules, each participant gets access to weekly support designed to support you on your quality improvement journey.

The Qualitizer Process™

Each module includes lessons with video training, workbooks and supporting tools, alongside 12 weekly accountability and mentoring sessions.

1 Framework

Introducing the 9 Fundamentals Framework for managing Quality Improvement.

2 Managing Self

Managing self to managing other effectively. 

3 Audit Focus Approach

Embedding an Audit Process Focus linked to benchmarking for every touchpoint.

4 Well Led

Demonstrating 'Well Led' in action.

5 Safe

Creating the framework to evidence you a safe using the new CQC 'we said statements'.

6 Effective

Creating the framework to demonstrate you are 'effective' using the new CQC 'we said statements'.

7 Managing Change

Managing people through change with cofidence.

8 Caring

Creating the framework to evidence you are caring using the new CQC 'we said statements'.

9 Responsible

Creating the framework to demonstrate you are responsible using the new CQC 'we said statements'.

10 Occupancy

7 pillars to successful enquiry management to improve occupancy.

11 Inspection

Preparing your care home for Single Assessment Framework and the new continual inspection process.

12 Reviewing

Reviewing process and future goal setting, introducing the Top 3, Bottom 3 approach to maintaining quality improvement.

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